Chronic Pain Management
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is an incurable blood disorder. The most common complication of the disease is chronic pain, frequently severe enough to warrant hospitalization. Physicians have recently utilized mobile health applications to recommend pain interventions, including opioid and non-opioid drugs, to prevent hospitalization. These applications collect objective patient data, such as age and gender, and subjective information, such as perceived pain. We propose a mathematical model that uses this patient data to predict future pain levels and offer optimal pain management strategies in real time.
In collaboration with Daniel M. Abrams, Chaeryon Kang, Jingyi J. Li, Qi Long, and Nirmish R. Shah
Clifton SM, Kang C, Li J, Long Q, Shah N, Abrams DM (2017)
Hybrid statistical and mechanistic mathematial model guides mobile health intervention of chronic pain.
Journal of Computational Biology 24 7.

Home page of SMART mobile health application developed by SickleSoft Inc.